COE3/Coexist Cube Project

July 2024, I’m going to San Diego Comic Con

I have retooled this project to fit into other projects I have been working on since the COE3 cube’s incepiton.

#Spaceship Dreamland1E, #The Tarot Traveler, #Hashishin tales and #The bird and the snow.

January 2024

I’m pulling together some loose ends to be ready for Comic Con Summer 2024.  stay tuned to other tabs on this website.  When I get a real book in my hands  I’ll do a crowd sourcing event so I share the next level of this story.

October 2019

Check out the Hashishin Project and The Bohemian Tarot Deck links in the Comic books tab of this site. The pieces are starting to come together into a physical form.  Carry on and stay mindful of your presence in this cosmos.

April 2016

I am working on the Hashishin project which is a prelude to everything else that the COE3 story will be doing.

September 9th, 2015

Still working, I am not giving up!  Go check out the Hashishin project here on this website.  A spiderweb of ramifications is all I can say now.  Never give up, never surrender or submit!


To see the how-to video of constructing that cube click here

Go to to hear what that bowl and a few others sound like.


guild coe3 write up
A wonderful write-up I received from the Graphic Artist’s Guild talking about the success of the Coexist Cube Project on Kickstarter.  August 14th, 2013 Kickstarter goal achieved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we did it!? Phase 1 complete!

The Coexist Cube itself is a magical fetish that was designed to be thrown onto the gambling table, along with other objects such as a magical monkey’s paw, a Phoenix eye, etc. in a magical card game. The cube is sometimes used as a die/dice and sometimes as an object to be won.? In the Coexist Cube project, the cube will weave in and out of three separate stories, that are being written by myself and two others.


Mark W. Slater, Copyright 2011,